
24 May, 2019

Clinical trials, key to developing new drugs and valuable for the economy and cost savings health

Source: Each new drug that reaches patients has one behind or, in general, several successful clinical trials. The clinical trial, which in the vast majority […]
24 May, 2019

Savings of 10,000 euros / patient for the clinical trials of the industry

Source: The clinical trials promoted by the pharmaceutical industry “are not only vital to develop new treatments for patients, but also play an important role […]
24 May, 2019

Conference “University research and regulatory compliance of the RGPD”

Source: Scientific research in general, and biomedical research in particular, are activities of general public interest, given the benefits they bring to society as a […]
2 May, 2019

An atlas at the individual cell level will improve precision medicine in breast cancer

It reveals the diversity of cancer and immune cells in the tumor ecosystem, with the aim of better selecting treatments. Source: Investigadores University of Zurich […]
29 April, 2019

The protection of intellectual property, key to the development of new medicines

Source: The regulatory ecosystem for the protection of intellectual property in Europe works. The set of laws, regulations and incentives developed by the European Union […]
12 April, 2019

New agenda of the Aemps: management by objectives and supply plan

Source: The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products has presented its Strategic Plan 2019-2022 that includes a total of 11 measures that aim to […]
11 April, 2019

Clinical trials provide a positive economic impact on the NHS

Source: The carrying out of clinical trials in Spanish hospitals and research centers has very positive consequences for the agents involved. For the health system, […]
9 April, 2019

Spain, before a historic opportunity in the commitment to clinical trials

Source: Have highly qualified, motivated and experienced professionals, have the ability to achieve patient participation and have processes digitized as electronic medical records. These are […]
19 March, 2019

Roche launches a clinical trials platform focused on the needs of patients

Source: The pharmaceutical company Roche has announced the launch of a new platform for clinical trials that is designed with the needs of patients throughout […]
15 March, 2019

The Association of Pharmaceutical Industry discusses counterfeit medicines

Source: On March 14, the 39th Symposium of the Spanish Association of Pharmaceutical Industry (AEFI) began in Barcelona, ??under the theme ‘Tracings and in contact […]
13 March, 2019

Promote R & D, ensure access and measure results, keys to the future in oncological drugs

Source: During a debate at the 7th Forum of the Foundation for Excellence and Quality of Oncology (ECO) held in Madrid, the president of Farmaindustria, […]
12 March, 2019

The pharmaceutical industry has doubled its investment in clinical research in Spain since 2005

Source: In less than three decades Spain has experienced an unprecedented advance in biomedical research, to be placed in the group of countries with better […]