
15 September, 2020

Arranca el primer ensayo en humanos de una vacuna Covid-19 en España

Janssen’s coronavirus vaccine will be tested in 190 Spanish volunteers and the study will last between 4 and 6 months Source: Spain begins, this week, […]
11 September, 2020

AEMPS recommendations on Covid19 to the pharmaceutical industry and distribution

Source: The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) has published a series of recommendations for action in the event of Covid-19 infection in the […]
10 September, 2020

They identify a key protein to prevent breast cancer metastasis

HIR researchers have described the role of B3 integrin in cell-to-cell communication, key to the development of metastases. Source: A team of researchers from the Translational […]
3 September, 2020

Spain, protagonist in clinical trials to find the coronavirus vaccine

Source: The three hospitals participating in the research; La Paz y la Princesa in Madrid and Valdecilla in Santander, have already recruited the participating volunteers. […]
21 July, 2020


Source: Within the terrible pandemic that plagues the world there has been some good news, such as the demonstration of Spain’s leadership in clinical research. […]
14 July, 2020

The coronavirus crisis shows the importance of promoting the digital transformation of healthcare

Many digital solutions put into practice during the pandemic, such as remote monitoring, can help consolidate Spain’s leadership in clinical drug trials.Farmaindustria participates in the Covid-19 […]
8 July, 2020

Approved the call for independent clinical trials of the Carlos III Health Institute

Source: The Council of Ministers has authorized, on Tuesday, July 7, the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), the call for grants for independent clinical research […]
25 June, 2020

Investment in research and recovery of production, bases to revive the economy

Source: “Investment in research and the recovery of offshoring production are the bases to reactivate the Spanish economy from the pharmaceutical industry”, as detailed by […]
23 June, 2020

The RERFAR-COVID19 SEFH Registry identifies drugs that reduce mortality from the disease

Source: 06-22-2020 The results analyze the evolution of 13,500 patients from 174 hospitals thanks to the work of more than 1,000 Hospital Pharmacists that reveal […]
18 June, 2020

Quality employment, more investment in research and more production in Spain, pharmaceutical industry proposals for economic and social reconstruction

The president of Farmaindustria appears before the Commission for Social and Economic Reconstruction presenting the position of the pharmaceutical industry The pharmaceutical sector has proved essential […]
16 June, 2020

Spain, a pioneer country against counterfeiting drugs

June 8, the World Day against Counterfeiting and Piracy is celebrated Our country was one of the first and with the highest volume of activity to […]
8 June, 2020

Collaboration between the healthcare system and the pharmaceutical industry, key for Spain to consolidate its leadership in clinical trials

Representatives of the Spanish Medicines Agency, patient associations, hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry debate in a webinar on how to promote clinical research in Spain Measures […]
26 May, 2020

The clinical trial, a value bet for the healthcare system, professionals, patients and industry.

On May 20, Clinical Trial Day is celebrated worldwide About 80% of the studies that are launched in Spain are driven by the pharmaceutical industry Spain […]
25 May, 2020

Novo Nordisk Spain increases patients in clinical trials by 50% in three years

Source: Since 2018, Novo Nordisk Spain has increased the number of patients in clinical trials by 50%, as detailed by Fernando Fuentes, head of Clinical […]
22 May, 2020

Almost a thousand clinical trials, more than 230 drugs and vaccines to combat Covid-19

Industrial property is “the main reason why there is such a solid base of innovation from which to work to find solutions,” says the director of […]
14 May, 2020

World Asthma Day: fifty hundred medicines in development for one of the most prevalent pathologies

This chronic disease has an incidence of between 3 and 7% of the population in Spain, according to experts Treatments provide clear results in patients’ health […]
12 May, 2020

Drug research as an opportunity for Spain

In just a few months, Spain has launched 64 clinical trials with potential anti-coronavirus drugs, ranking first in Europe and fourth in the world. The brutal […]
27 April, 2020

Objective: to maintain clinical trials without putting patients’ health at risk

Farmaindustria participates in a Eupati webinar aimed at patients from all over Spain Explain how laboratories are working, in collaboration with researchers and hospitals, so that […]
21 April, 2020

New clinical trial designs and more resources for Spain to achieve excellence

Via: Clinical and industry experts carry out a decalogue with measures to strengthen the Spanish research system In recent years, Spain has positioned itself among […]
20 April, 2020

Spain, a world leader in conducting clinical trials of new drugs

Via: Farmaindustria has collected in a document the measures that 120 experts from hospital centers and pharmaceutical companies propose to boost Spanish leadership and attract […]
18 March, 2020

Exceptional measures for tests for problems derived from the emergency by COVID-19

Source: The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), as the competent national authority in the authorization of clinical trials, has proposed a series […]
9 March, 2020

The pharmaceutical industry warns of the risk of Europe becoming a non-driving, receiving market for innovation

The European employer of the innovative industry has its sights set on the roadmap of the Industrial Strategy for the sector, which will be published next […]
4 March, 2020

The pharmaceutical sector, the basis of a new production model in Spain

Source: The pharmaceutical industry is positioned as a leading actor for the necessary evolution of the Spanish economy towards a productive model supported by innovation […]
24 February, 2020

Create the test that predicts the risk of infection in kidney transplants

Source: The clinical efficacy of this new diagnosed tool has been tested in five hospitals with clinical trials, which is a step towards personalized medicine […]
10 February, 2020

Drug R&D: increasingly high development costs and lower returns

The expected return on investment in new medicines stands at 1.8%, the lowest point in the last 10 years, according to a Deloitte report On the […]
7 February, 2020

SEFH joins the World Cancer Day recalling the importance of healthy habits and research

Source: The arrival of advanced therapies, such as CAR-T cells, immunotherapy or other targeted treatments and their incorporation into the assistance protocols are being able […]
6 February, 2020

Clinical research in Spain seeks new impulses to maintain its leadership position in Europe

Farmaindustria advocates strengthening the role of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (Aemps) to maintain the competitiveness of our country in biomedical R&D The […]
5 February, 2020

The pharmaceutical industry responds to the increased incidence of cancer: one in two clinical trials focuses on oncology

The impulse to biomedical research in this area allows disease control for longer, increases survival and improves the quality of life of patients The Spanish Agency […]
28 January, 2020

Clinical trials, cost savings for the system and innovative therapies for the patient

They are essential to demonstrate the safety of medicines, but they also represent a significant cost savings in the health centers where they are carried out. […]
16 January, 2020

The Economic and Social Council advises the Government to promote investment in R&D

Source: Farmaindustria has reported that the Economic and Social Council (CES), a consultative body of the Government in socio-economic and labor matters, published a comprehensive […]
13 November, 2023

Farmaindustria’s protection of personal data in research is already a benchmark in Europe and is a further incentive to attract clinical trials to Spain.

The Code of Conduct regulating the processing of personal data in clinical trials approved in 2022 makes it easier for companies and researchers to correctly comply […]
2 November, 2023

Medicines for rare diseases already account for 39% of those authorised in Europe, but take more than two years to reach Spain

The director of Farmaindustria’s Access Department, Isabel Pineros, participates in the XVI International Congress on Rare Diseases: “In recent years we have seen great advances in […]
30 October, 2023

New drugs reduce cancer deaths in Spain by almost 30%.

This is demonstrated by a recent study by Professor Frank R. Lichtenberg of Columbia University, which has just been published in the journal Value in Health. […]
24 October, 2023

Precision medicine opens new hopes in breast cancer: 14 targeted therapies authorized since 2018

On World Disease Day, which is celebrated on October 19, Farmaindustria remembers the importance of clinical trials, the previous step for the arrival of innovative treatments […]
17 October, 2023

Farmaindustria launches a proposal to speed up the delivery of innovative medicines to patients in cases where the benefit is most relevant

The document proposes, without the need for a regulatory change, a procedure that would allow the equitable arrival of drugs that meet certain criteria that make […]
11 October, 2023

Urgent measures are needed to encourage innovation and production and enable Europe to make up lost ground.   In a political context with elections called for the European Parliament at the beginning of June 2024 and with Spain holding the presidency of […]
9 October, 2023

Paediatric clinical research advances in Spain driven by collaboration between researchers, healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry

Between 2020 and 2022, 446 clinical trials with children and adolescents were conducted in our country, almost half of them focused on rare diseases and 90.4% […]
4 October, 2023

“Artificial intelligence and technology are driving digital therapies, which benefit not only patients, but the healthcare system and society as a whole”.

In recent years, the number of applications capable of interacting with patients to prevent, manage or treat diseases has increased, and which can also generate data […]
2 October, 2023

Decentralisation of trials, networking and digitisation, proposals to improve patient participation in clinical research

The 7th Congress of Patients’ Organisations, organised by the POP, analyses the application of the new European Regulation on Clinical Trials. Farmaindustria’s director general, Juan Yermo, […]
26 September, 2023

More than 120 molecules in Alzheimer’s research, the great hope for patients, families and society

The vast majority of them are aimed at modifying the course of the disease, according to an Iqvia report on the future of R&D. In Spain […]
19 September, 2023

The pharmaceutical industry’s plan to expand clinical trials in primary care

Only 7.5% are carried out in health centres. In order to alleviate this situation, Farmaindustria has presented a programme to promote them in outpatient clinics. Source: […]
14 September, 2023

Health commitment to the pharmaceutical industry’s Strategic Plan to avoid losing 8,000 million euros

“We are going to create a favourable environment”. This statement by José Manuel Miñones is the first step towards a roadmap that would highlight the key […]